Monday, April 16, 2012

and she lives!


It's been far too long. That is an understatement. 

I don't know why... but a little while back I decided to get a paper journal. Who knows why I thought that would work.... psh. I wrote in it twice. 


But good news!!!         I'M BAAAAAAAAACKKKKK!!!!!

Not that any of you missed me. Or even noticed for that matter... But hey it's okay because this right here, this whole blogging experience, is like therapy. Write (or type I suppose) whatever is on your mind. And wahhhla! You instantly feel so much better. Maybe it's the fact that I suddenly feel creative or in touch with my intelligent side. HA! who knows.

Alright folks. What is new in the life of Megan Henderson?

Well... considering I haven't written since November... A LOT. 
We'll just make a list.

A. Christmas came and went. It was fabulous. Spent it here in Utah with the whole fam. Except this year was a little different because it was my sisters first Christmas in her new home with her hubby. So just me and little Connor on Christmas morning. That's odd. 
B. I got a tattoo. Yeah you read that right. I finally got the one I've been wanting for years. It's darling and I'm in love with every bit of it. 
C. Drill team. Overall it was a great year! Competition season was frustrating and we basically got shafted, but hey. All part of the experience so they say. We ended up with 6th in state which I am happy with! For nationals we went to New York City!! Man oh man it was so great! We didn't compete, but we performed in the St. Patty's Day parade and the girls loved it! We saw everything you think of when you hear New York, and even went to New Jersey one night for dinner! It was a very busy trip and was jam packed every second of the day. It was almost like I needed a vaca from my vaca. 
D. Jamie Waller. Oh man she's the greatest! We had "bachelor nights" every Monday at her house and invited tons of the buddies and had dinner during the bachelor season. We still have dinner some Mondays, but now it's a smaller group and not as often. Either way, I look forward to Mondays, and her text messages that I get every day make me smile and appreciate life to the fullest. I love her with my whole heart and then some!
E. I'm still single. And that's that.
F. I had nose surgery! OKAY EVERYONE LISTEN CAREFULLY. If you are ever given the option, SAY NO! It was dreadful and terrible and hurt(s) (I'm still healing) like none other! But hey, hopefully it helps with these dreadful allergies and sinus infections. Yay!

Okay okay well reading back through that list, it looks like nothing terribly exciting happened in the last 5 months. Well, because it sort of didn't. But hey the older I get, the more I'm realizing this. Life is life. We go about our days and if something or someone magical happens to enter our life, then hey! We'll be unexpectedly happy. Expect the worst, but... always always hope for the best. 

Alright avid readers... (hahahah who am I kidding I have zero, but it makes me sound important) I promise I will be back here real quickly. I already feel better; see I told you this was like therapy. Anyways, have a great morning, afternoon, evening, whenever you choose to read this. And may the odds be evahhh in your favahhh. (yes I am one of those billions of people who absolutely loves the hunger games)