Monday, February 21, 2011


i will be happy.

being happy doesn't just randomly happen. you choose to be happy. 
good days don't happen by chance; the choices you make each day create your happiness.
i'm choosing everyday to find that happiness.

life is too short.

there are sooo many things that make me happy.
the little things in life are the best. period.
if you know me, you know it doesn't take much to make me a happy girl.

#1. compliments.
of any type. even the bad ones. okay i guess i'm saying that opinions in general make me happy. hearing people speak the truth and stand up for what the believe in most definitely makes me happy.

#2. dancing
of any type. makes me happier than anything. it's my passion & it always will be. i may not become some amazing professional dancer in hollywood, but i won't ever quit. never ever give up on your passion. when i'm dancing nothing else matters. it's what i truly love. it picks me up on bad days. even if it's just in my kitchen. 

#3. music
i'm constantly listening to music. i take my stereo in the bathroom when i shower, i play it while i get ready, while i'm doing homework, while i'm cleaning the house, walking to class. you name a time and i'm doin it. taylor swift is my absolute favorite. you better believe i even have posters in my room. never thought i'd see the day. point is, i couldn't live without music.

#4. love
even though i haven't experienced real true love, it makes me happy to even think about. finding someone you want to spend every minute of every day with is amazing. i'm honestly excited for it. but i'm not anxious. i have so much life to live before i want it to happen. but i am truly waiting for my prince charming. just like every other girl out there. if you find him send him my way.

#5. solitude
spending an afternoon alone is so amazing to me. i do it often, and its incredible. so many people always have to be with somebody, always doing something. i am not one of those people. having time to just think about everything is beautiful. it makes me realize how truly beautiful my life is.

#6 vacations
who doesn't love to get away? i haven't been many places, but even little trips make me happy. doesn't matter where it is, if it requires packing a bag for overnight, i couldn't be more excited. someday i'll travel to amazing places. there are so many places on my list i would like to see and experience. 

#7 laughing
enough said.

#8 people
not all people. but most people. the people i choose to surround myself with. i learn from them, grow from them. having somebody care about you is the best feeling to me. trusting someone is pretty high up there on the list too. i trust everyone until they prove me wrong. everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt. 
my family and my friends are the most amazing people i could choose in my life. couldn't ask for more.

#9 food
ohhh yum. personal favorites? hot chocolate with hershey's kisses.
i'm a fan of everything really. except hotdogs & seafood. YUCK.

#10 summer
everything about it. flying kites, picnics, sidewalk chalk, swimming, i could go on and on... 
but you get the point. 

obviously there are so many other things i haven't named. 
being happy is the greatest thing to be. why choose anything else?

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